OMG Instruments

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BlueARP v2.7.0 2024 Christmas update: plugin & BlueARP DM

BlueARP v.2.7.0 Christmas update, several months of hard work. Includes the updated version of the BlueARP plugin (both Windows and OSX), updated firmware for the BlueARP DM and updated version of the control app (both Windows and OSX). Top new features / changes: new guitar strum sequencing mode and great improves in USB synchronization stability for the BlueARP DM and the control app. See the full list of changes in the change log inside.

Get the plugin update here (scroll down to download banks for the guitar and drum modes):

Get the BlueARP DM and the Control all update here:

Change log / v2.7.0 for the plugin:

1. GUITAR MODE (new operation mode, in addition to ‘arpeggiator’ and ‘drum sequencer’. BlueARP can now sequence guitar rythm parts. The Manual will be updated in the next release. Key points: in Guitar mode, BlueARP models guitar chords for the standard tuning 6-string guitar, taking into account various limitations (like when you play D chord, you have only 4 sounding strings).
For each step you can define strum type, delays between the notes (strum speed), strum direction (up/down),velocity spread between the notes and some other settings. This mode is yet experimental, it may change a bit in the next releases
2. FIXED ARP MODE – another opetation mode, just like ‘arpeggiator’ but you set the input keys as constants on a per-program basis. The idea is to remove the need to play chords for the arp parts where you don’t need chord change. This mode is yet experimental, it may change a bit in the next releases
3. Updated skins, improved GUI:
– new params in ‘ini skins file, it is now possible to disable outline for the value boxes (box_FlagNoOutline), redesigned them a bit for more modern look (box_FlagNewStyle param);
– corner rounding raduis for various elements (*RoundR params in skins ini file);
– dicreased font size for param captions, to make the GUI bit less cluttered;
– ‘P/B’ mark for the params can be hidden, they show up only on mouse over (gui_FlagHidePBMarks param), also to make the GUI a bit more cleanl
4. Fixed occasional GUI bug when parts of the GUI could disappear until you hover the mouse over them (mostly happened with the BlueARP DM control app)
5. New factory banks for Drum mode and Guitar mode, yet only about 30% ready, you can download separately from my website