BlueARP v2.5.4 released, Windows & OSX
This is a bug fixing release, lots of minor issues fixed.
Change log:
1. BugFix: In steps=1 (quantized thru mode) it was retriggering the note, the bug was introduced in the recent versions
2. BugFix: When switching programs while holding input keys, they should be re-triggered
3. BugFix: When switching between auto/off and auto/thru states, latched keys weren’t correctly re-triggered
4. For ‘descending’ order algorithms, I removed the k1..k5 visual flip in the matrix editor, it was too counter-intuitive.
But the value flipping when the algorithm changes is still there, so the pattern will stay the same when
you switch from ‘ascending’ to ‘descending’ and vice versa
5. GUI minor fix: more accurate value change when mouse-dragging horizontally across the matrix editor
6. BugFix: ‘current chain’ went above the ‘number of chains’ value
7. BugFix: ‘notes off’ button didn’t cut the input notes when latch is on
8. Removed ‘output note velocity’ param from the Drum mode (ARP block), it doesn’t work in drum mode anyway
9. Added ‘notes off’ button in drum mode
10. BugFix: some ‘stuck notes’ in special mode with steps=0 (simple thru)
11. BugFix: for rootles chords with sort algo = “chord, normalized” root wasn’t included into post-filter key list
12. BugFix: KEY SELECT k1..k5 values didn’t flip when switching from ‘desc’ algo to ‘chord normalized’ or ‘chord as played’
13. BugFix: When KEY SELECT = Root and in ‘fake playback’ (DAW playback stopped), sometimes the arp generated
the lowest notes (midi note 0) after all input keys just released
14. BugFix: Input quantize didn’t work for chords as designed, now it will show something like ‘Am > Am7’, meaning
that the current chord is Am, but currently detected is Am7, will switch to Am7 on next quantization step